Bebras Challenge



Here you can find information about the challenge itself and the scoring system.
If you want examples of previous tasks, have a look at the past challenges at the Challenges page.

What is the Bebras Challenge?

It is a fun and rewarding challenge that introduces you to computational thinking.
It lets you solve problems using your logic and computational thinking skills.

What is computational thinking?

It's a set of problem-solving skills that software engineers use to write programs and apps. These skills include components like pattern recognition algorithm design, data analysis or abstraction. Computational thinking is used in more areas than just software, it's a great skill to have. Find out more about this by visiting Computational Thinking.

What will the challenge involve?

You will participate online in your own school building.
A teacher will supervise the challenge and it will take 45 minutes.
While working on the challenge you can use pen, paper and a calculator.

How does the scoring system work?

Each task you solve is given a category: A, B or C.
These categories all contain 5 tasks and they increase in difficulty.
You start with a set amount of bonus points and can gain or lose points as follows:

A category questions B category questions C category questions
+6 points for each correct answer +9 points for each correct answer +12 points for each correct answer
0 points for no answer 0 points for no answer 0 points for no answer
-2 points for each incorrect answer -3 points for each incorrect answer

-4 points for each incorrect answer

How do I enter?

You cannot enter as an individual. A teacher in your school must register as a coordinator and then you can enter, along with your classmates.
Your Digital Technologies teacher is a good person to talk to first. Tell them you want to enter this challenge and ask them to visit this website. If you are a home-schooled student you can ask your parents to register for you.
To cover the administration costs, after registration we will send the coordinator an invoice based on the pricing plan below.

Pricing plan

Number of students Total cost
1 - 5 students $10
6 - 20 students $25
20+ students $50


Information on how to register is in the Teachers tab.